Selling Method |
Period |
Underlying Philosophy |
Authorities / Developers / Investors / Notable People |
Key Characteristics of Salespeople at the Time |
Snake Oil Selling | 1800’s | Exaggerate and misrepresent to get the business |
Pyramid Selling | 1886 | Identify key decision makers. Use to introduce to other prospects |
Trust Based Selling | 1916 | Improve professional image by building trust |
Scientific Selling | 1916 | Use phrenology to identify prime prospects |
Mood Selling | 1920’s | Use emotion to persuade customers to buy |
The Fuller Brush Men | 1920 | Focus on people, helping the sales teams |
Psychological Selling | 1930 | Learn to understand what makes buyers tick |
Barrier Selling | 1930’s | Get prospects to say ‘yes’ often enough to be trapped |
SELL | 1940- 1950 | Tell-Sell process leading customer to a commitment |
ADAPT | 1940- 1950 | Develop some pseudo technical jargon to keep buyers intrigued |
ARC | 1940- 1950 | Cross and up selling in retail |
same as above. | same as above. | same as above. |
Formula / AIDA Selling | 1950’s | Use the same, fixed approach to get Attention, Interest, Desire and Action |
Needs Satisfaction Selling | 1968 | 7 step process to uncover needs and introduce benefits |
Strategic Selling | 1970’s | Use fixed planning process to highlight danger areas and penetrate decision-making process |
Consultative Selling | 1980’s | Use in-depth questioning techniques to understand customer pain and then consult by helping buyer see impact for themselves |
Relationship Selling | 1990’s | Develop strong trust-based relationships to encourage buyers to make a commitment |
Solutions Selling | 2000 | Work with customers to develop a mutual understanding of the solutions that would be a best fit |
Challenger Sale | 2011 | Challenge customers to think differently while controlling the sales process. |
Selling Better | 2017+ | Ethical and human-centred, underpinned by a practical sales philosophy |