The 21st Century Sales Specialists

At no other time in the history of the sales profession have we witnessed such dramatic shifts in how we do business – products are replicated in minutes, people are more informed, the world is interconnected like never before and clients want to interact with ‘business people’ who can sell and think about possibility.

Clients are looking for partners to assist them map a pathway forward into the future. They recognise that true value lies, not in a product, but in the collaboration of ideas. However too many sales teams are stuck in the 20th Century with a ‘Product Mindset’ and so are many of our competitors.

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Barrett are specialists in 21st century Sales Culture, Capability, and Continuous Learning and focus on helping sales leaders and professionals achieve Sales Mastery in a modern and evolved world.

Same, but Different

Clients are also realising the value in using Australian based research regarding sales competencies, training and assessment content for their sales people. For instance research continues to show that Australian and NZ sales cultures, values and perceptions are different from our USA sales colleagues. American sales management, training and procedures adhere to US presupposed values and perceptions, and may not be optimal, or even suitable, for other countries.

That is why Barrett Consulting Group has invested heavily in developing Australian based content to suit our market. Our research and work has given Barrett a tremendous insight into the contemporary view of selling, trends and the wide variety of sales practices that exist in both Australia and overseas.

Barrett also works across the Asia and Pacific Region introducing contemporary, relevant sales practices to these markets. Barrett works in partnership with people to deliver a holistic and sustainable approach to business growth and sales performance in organisations.