What is Sales Intelligence?
Intelligence can be defined as ‘the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge’. Intelligence comes in many forms: we can have a greater intelligence in psychology, golf, commercial banking, surgery, customer service, management, systems and processes, IT, HR, and the list goes on. Intelligence it is NOT just an ‘academic intelligence’ that requires the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.
Where we have a demonstrated a strong capacity to acquire and apply knowledge is where our ‘intelligence’ is.
Sales Intelligence covers three Optimal Performance Dimensions in the sales space:
- Knowledge (Organisational, Market, Customer, Business)
- Skills (Management of Self, General Communication, Sales Methodologies & Behaviours, People Management, Business Management)
- Mindset (Insight, Awareness of Self, Collaboration & Decision Making)
Why Measure Sales Intelligence?
- Organisations everywhere want high functioning, smart sales forces, however many do not know what constitutes effective and consistent sales performance. Relying on Intuition and Results (output measures) for guidance many miss the vital Input & Behavioural Measures that make for intelligent sales forces.
- Measuring your sales team’s Sales Intelligence (SIQ) identifies the synchronicity and gaps between a sales workforce’s existing sales intelligence across the three Optimal Performance Dimensions and the actual requirements of sales intelligence to be successful as a sales-oriented workforce.
- The Barrett Sales Intelligence Process is designed to map and measure your organisation’s current and desired levels of sales intelligence across all levels of your sales business.
- Business leaders who want to understand the current level of Sales Intelligence (SIQ) of their sales people and managers.
- Sales managers and sales people to give them insight into their current level of Sales Intelligence and what that means for them, their performance and the business.
- Customers to give their perspective on what they want from a supplier’s sales team.
- To identify capabilities/competencies currently required for high performance across the four main tiers of a Sales Force – National & State Level Sales Leadership, Field & Internal Sales / Service Team level.
- To understand the synchronicity and gaps across 3 optimal performance dimensions: Knowledge, Skills & Mindset that affect optimum sales performance
- To develop a Sales IQ Profile overview for all sales-oriented roles and clearly articulate expectations and recommendations for sales improvement and/or cultural transformation.
- To consciously engage sales people and managers and show them how they perceive their sales roles and where they are focusing their sales efforts, rightly or wrongly.
- To give leaders clarity and direction about where to focus training, development, coaching and recruitment activities to improve overall sales performance.
- Assesses an organisations current level of sales intelligence across 3 optimal performance dimensions: Knowledge, Skills & Mindset and identifies the synchronicity and gaps across these 3 optimal performance dimensions.
- Measure sales intelligence of incumbent individuals for all sales roles including: Sales Managers, Field Sales, Account Managers, Internal Sales & Customer Service.
- Initially at the beginning of any sales transformation process to calibrate current Sales Intelligence and /or post the major change process: giving a Sales IQ before & after shot .
- People are invited to complete the Online Sales Intelligence Questionnaire (OSIQ) which will ask them to identify behavioural competencies needed for high performance across the 3 Optimal Performance Dimensions.
Speak to us about your assessment needs.
Talk to us, your selling better advisory team, and we’ll be able to advise you on the best training solution for your business.
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