It’s Women’s Health Week (7 – 11 September). This is a national campaign, raising awareness of the importance of maintaining good health and well-being for all women and girls. As…
I’ve been around long enough to have lived and worked through major recessions, financial crises i.e. GFC, and general downturns in business and survived, if not thrived during these times.…
As a consulting and education firm, we go into many organisations and they inevitably have a set of values i.e. integrity, honesty, passion, customer centric/obsessed, courage, and so on. That’s…
In Sales Trend 11 from the Barrett 12 Sales Trends Report for 2019, guest author Leadership Stylist Helen Robinett discusses how our personal image can help build trust. By guest…
Practising gratitude has made me focus on other matters and much less on material things. I have found that I am far less worried about ‘keeping up with the Joneses’…
The Common Ground Series - Part 1 Common ground: shared interests, beliefs, or opinions between two people or groups of people who disagree about most other subjects. (Cambridge dictionary) Finding…
In a world filled with so many opportunities, choices and facts there are also equal amounts, if not more, of biased news, fake news and fads, which now make it…
Someone has to do the selling or you don’t have a business. I have met many people over the years who have great ideas, skills, processes or inventions but hate…
Whether we are a salesperson or not, there are times in our daily lives when knowing how to sell well turns often awkward situations into positive outcomes for everyone. We…
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