In HR you support “pilots and crews” to help them run smooth operations. When a crisis like this one hits out of the blue, and sales and service operations are…
Your business might not have been struck directly – like Captain Sullenberger’s plane was hit by a flock of geese - but the fallout of the COVID-19 crisis has hit…
Crises bring many challenges but they can also bring many opportunities. New opportunities and new markets or micro markets emerge, new ways of doing business open up, new customers become…
It might seem difficult –and it probably is, like landing a plane on a river- but there are ways to help your business adapt and keep going through COVID-19. With…
Do you remember the plane that landed on the Hudson River in New York City in 2009? Both engines of the plane lost thrust after colliding with a flock of…
The 9th January, 2020 marks 25 years in business for Barrett. 25 years of helping people and businesses sell better. 25 years of exploration, research, experimentation, creation, building, encouragement and…
I’m feeling elated. I’m feeling vindicated. I’m feeling very optimistic about the future of sales education and sales mastery. Three weeks ago we started working with and coaching a telesales…
At Barrett we are very mindful of our coaching approach and the well-being of the coaches and coachees. Read what Jens Hartmann, our head of Learning and Development has to…
Sales Trend 4 from the Barrett 12 Sales Trends Report for 2019 explores how working within a culture of mistrust affects salespeople and their ability to develop trusted relationships with…
The last sales trend of the Barrett 12 Sales Trends Report for 2018 is about sales coaching. In recent years, sales leadership coaching has continuously grown in acceptance by the…
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