The very best sales training isn’t a once-a-year event, it’s ongoing, perpetual, and it’s about mastery and evolution. Achieving mastery in any profession requires awareness and understanding about self and…
Within a business, this means that everybody needs to be an ambassador for our organisation. There needs to be recognition that everyone is in one of two roles: 1) actively…
I read an article in The Age, Thursday 23 July 2020 about how some of the major banks are warning against jumping on the debt bandwagon to save businesses during…
Crises bring many challenges but they can also bring many opportunities. New opportunities and new markets or micro markets emerge, new ways of doing business open up, new customers become…
It might seem difficult –and it probably is, like landing a plane on a river- but there are ways to help your business adapt and keep going through COVID-19. With…
Do you remember the plane that landed on the Hudson River in New York City in 2009? Both engines of the plane lost thrust after colliding with a flock of…
At Barrett, our goal is to help businesses stay in business and keep people in jobs so we can sell better for a sustainable future. And right here right now,…
I’ve been around long enough to have lived and worked through major recessions, financial crises i.e. GFC, and general downturns in business and survived, if not thrived during these times.…
I’m feeling elated and vindicated yet again. I’m feeling very optimistic about the future of sales systems and sales stewardship. Two weeks ago I sat down with a very large…
I’m feeling elated. I’m feeling vindicated. I’m feeling very optimistic about the future of sales education and sales mastery. Three weeks ago we started working with and coaching a telesales…
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