Working Remotely
As a sales consulting and education firm with an online training platform all of our work can be done remotely. In fact, we have been working with clients interstate and overseas that way for a while now. We’re here to continue to support you. Our meetings are done over Zoom (we have been doing this even with local clients for environmental reasons. We run workshops and coaching session over zoom as well (with the advantage that you can record them and re-watch later). Our sales curriculum is all online.
Leadership & Humility
‘Central to effective leadership is trust, respect and openness; listen and learn from your staff, clients, mentors and coaches and adjust yourself on your journey to becoming a proficient effective leader; build a bridge and get over yourself – don’t let your ego get in the way; follow through; don’t assume anything; be available and responsive; it’s important to remember that helping other helps you.’ Sue Barrett, Founder and CEO of Barrett, 2005
Vision & Purpose
‘Is your vision and purpose viable? Can it make money and be self sustaining? As leaders we need to create a compelling vision and purpose which is built on sound values that our people want embrace and manifest. To get traction we need a clear strategy with real resources to give our people a plan and tools to get started. Then we can train them up and get out of their way so they can make it happen and produce amazing results.’ Sue Barrett, Founder and CEO of Barrett, 2005
These quotes are from a small book Sue Barrett wrote about lessons she had learned as a business leader. This and other research has consistently proven that leaders who have a compelling vision and purpose supported by a sound actionable strategy, are decisive and show initiative, have the ability to incorporate creative solutions and stay positive and constructive in their communication style not only has higher performing teams with better financial results, but teams where workers feel empowered and inspired.
In leadership it is important to keep your eyes on the ball – we are living in a world where the marketplace is forever changing shape. Change is always on the doorstep of any forward moving organisation and as leaders we have to be able to cope with the change in a seamless and fluent format that limits the stress levels for both ourselves and our team. At Barrett we believe that Leadership is about getting the best out of ourselves and our people. It’s about creating an environment where we all want to be and do our best.
We offer Leadership (Executive) Coaching – Senior Management, Sales Managers/Directors, Small Business Owners and C-Suite Coaching – CEO, CFO, COO, Directors, Board
Client Feedback:
“The time that I spent in coaching sessions was some of the most productive of my career. Barrett’s ability to take me on a journey through an issue is first class. Through these sessions, we explored different issues, pinpointed those that I needed to focus on and determined root causes. Barrett were able to provide a mixture of tips, techniques and guidance to self realisation to help overcome the issues at hand. I have benefited immensely from the time that I have spent with Barrett, and hope to continue to benefit again from further sessions in the future.” – Remote Business Initiatives Manager | ANZ Commercial Banking
Good leadership does not necessarily equal great results. Executive coaching can help transform your leaders enabling them to produce and accelerate positive business outcomes. Research has proven that the effectiveness of an organisation’s leaders has a direct impact on employee relatedness, productivity and commitment, customer satisfaction, company innovation; all driving profitability. Coaching can help highly effective leaders make a profound difference within an organisation.
- Become inspirational leaders through developing extraordinary leadership skills
- Reach professional (and personal) goals within a quicker timeframe
- Create an effective coaching culture within their organisation
- Manage business complexities
- Discuss sensitive organisational or personal issues in a safe and unbiased environment (sounding board)
- Increased knowledge and insights into self and their organisation
- Develop advanced communication skills – maximise verbal & non-verbal interactions, listening & questioning techniques including coaching teams effectively
- Create a work/life balance
- Increase employee engagement and strengthen team commitment
- Drive productivity and boost profitability
- Find effective solutions
- Create positive and rewarding relationships
- Foster innovation
Research Findings: Training Sales Managers how to be better sales managers and sales coaches has dramatic positive impact on sales performance.
Most Sales Managers reported that they were given no formal training in Sales Management practices including sales coaching , either before or during their tenure as a Sales Manager. Like many of their sales people they are often thrown in the deep end. International research backs this up – Sales Managers are given little if any training in how to be an effective sales manager.
The research also showed that when Sales Managers were more frequently and better trained and coached then their sales teams achieved higher performance and results. In no other type of sales training was a more positive correlation found between frequency of training and sales performance.
Barrett is dedicated to improving the lives of Sales Managers and Sales Leadership and, in turn, their sales teams by training and coaching sales managers and sales leaders in how to be effective sales coaches.
“The fact that corporate executives are supporting the expansion of professional coaching through the ranks of management gives credence to the profession’s argument that coaching directly implacts the ‘botton line’ as a unique and effective tool for performance enhancement.” – Diana Churchill
SCARF – a brain based model for collaborating with and influencing others including insights from social cognitive neuroscience to enhance leadership effectiveness. Leadership coaching can help increase all five SCARF domains.
Recommended reading:
- The Inspiring Leader – Unlocking the secrets of how extraordinary leaders motivate
Author – John H. Zenger, Joseph R. Folkman & Scott K. Edinger - Six Thinking Hats – Your success in business depends on how well you think
Author – Edward De Bono - The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Author – Stephen R. Covey
Speak to us about your sales training needs.
Talk to us, your selling better advisory team, and we’ll be able to advise you on the best training solution for your business.
Case Study
Turn around sales results winning more profitable sales inside 8 months
Industry: Mining Type: Public
In 18 months, a sales operation without any sales infrastructure and faced with declining markets became the best sales performing team in the region.
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