Experience world-class sales process mapping and design solutions to improve sales execution and better meet the needs of your customers.

Bolster your sales efficiency and effectiveness

For many, selling is treated as an action rather than what it is, a profession with clearly defined standards. As a result, most new salespeople are thrown in the deep end during sales induction. There is often no articulated sales processes and with nothing specific to follow, they must spend valuable time creating their own system. There is a better way.

Barrett works with organisations to calibrate the current level of sales and process capabilities. Through a series of in-field observations, interviews and workshops with sales teams and managers we deliver a report outlining the steps, our observations, suggestions and recommendations. We then work together to build new sales process maps ready to be used for recruitment, induction, training, coaching, performance reviews, self-help and succession planning.

Sales process mapping & design solutions

Sales process maps

Evidence from the field is used to create a sales process map for use during induction, sales training and sales coaching.

CRM analysis & alignment to sales process

Address CRM and sales misalignment by ensuring salespeople adopt CRM practices to support their sales efforts in the field on a consistent daily basis.

The buyer’s journey

Get in sync with your buyers and understand what makes them really tick by focusing on their individual pain points, needs, goals and challenges.

Design a buyer’s brief

To ensure a systematic and comprehensive analysis and understanding of the customer’s needs, priorities and expectations we help you design a Buyer’s Brief Form that is used in the pre, during and post client meeting phase to ensure the salesperson does not miss any opportunities and can better position solution options.

Sales Playbooks, Tools & Templates

Provide your sales team with a sales playbook, tools and templates that support them to advance opportunities from one stage to the next.

History of Sales Methodologies whitepaper

A dive into the last 150 years of sales methodologies, exploring how successful selling has changed over the years.

Ready to map and improve your sales processes?

Talk to us, your selling better advisory team, and we’ll help you quickly and accurately assess your next steps.

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The Barrett advantage

We bring a well-researched 21st century systems thinking approach to sales that includes a complete selling system. With a solid reputation for helping leaders quickly pivot and transition their sales teams and operations to sell better, we are here to help your business prosper.

Case Study

SCA Selling Better project unites state sales teams and creates a unique value proposition to increase market share

Industry: Media/Entertainment Type: Public

From declining share price and fierce competition to share price tracking north and united sales leaders leading the way, within 3 months.

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