Break Down Silos and Build Bridges of Connection Across All Teams

Miscommunication is silently costing businesses billions of dollars each year yet remains one of the most overlooked factors in organisational performance.

In the rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to engage and communicate effectively with all stakeholders—both internal and external—is crucial for building bridges and breaking down silos. As we transition into Industry 5.0, characterised by human-centricity and sustainability, the need for strong interpersonal skills has never been more pronounced. Organisations must cultivate a dynamic, aligned, and inclusive culture where collaboration, innovation, and teamwork thrive.

Deloitte’s forecast that two-thirds of jobs will require essential soft skills by 2030, with their growth outpacing technical roles by 2.5 times, underscores the urgency of this shift.

Emotional intelligence, empathy, and human-centred communication are no longer optional; they are foundational to success in complex social environments. Businesses that prioritise these skills will enhance their internal dynamics and strengthen their external relationships, fostering a culture where everyone feels valued and empowered to excel.

Here are some facts:

  • Customer-centric companies see a 25% increase in customer loyalty and repeat business. Gallup
  • Effective soft skills like communication and problem-solving can boost productivity and retention by 12%. Harvard/University of Michigan
  • Salespeople with strong emotional intelligence (a key soft skill) achieve 12% higher sales than their counterparts. HBR 2022
  • Customers are willing to pay 17% more for a positive service experience. PWC 2022
  • When clients and stakeholders are heard and understood, 74% are more likely to collaborate and buy into what’s on offer AND when they have human-centred, value-based interactions, they are 30% more likely to complete high-quality deals. Forbes 2023

At Barrett, we are dedicated to equipping people and organisations with the tools necessary to thrive in this new era. Our tailored training programs empower employees at every level to forge stronger connections and build productive relationships with clients and colleagues. By fostering a vibrant learning environment, we enable individuals and teams to continually evolve their skills and business acumen, resulting in enhanced collaboration and innovation.

  • Human-Centred Communication Strategies
  • Our Brains: Behaviours & Perspectives
  • Develop Emotional Intelligence & Relational Intelligence
  • Overcome the Fear of Self-promotion
  • Build Resilience & a Healthy Mindset
  • Purposeful Optimism & Mind Your Emotions
  • Create Psychological Safety
  • Powerful Communication Skills & Devices
  • Trust Building & Engagement Strategies
  • TMS Work Preferences & High Performing Teams
  • Self & Time Management Strategies
  • Navigate Difficult Situations & People
  • Influence & Persuasion Principles & Skills
  • Written Communication & Etiquette
  • Presentation Principles, Devices, & Skills
  • Master the 5 modes of delivery
  • Presentation Performance Framework
  • Facilitation, MC, & Camera Work
  • Address Stage Fright: Causes & Remedies
  • Go-to Narratives & The Craft & Power of Storytelling
  • Compelling Openings
  • 7 Types of Presentation Storylines for any situation
  • Build Your Personal Brand & Reputation

Unlock the potential of your teams and prepare them for the future of work. Together, we can nurture a culture that prioritises empathy, collaboration, and human connection, ensuring your organisation thrives in the new landscape of business work. Reach out to us today to discuss how Barrett can elevate your team’s soft skills and drive success across your organisation.